Saturday, December 26, 2009

it's a great saturday today!! (i think.. hmmm..)
cause i went out for lunch with stepf..
and bought xiaogui album!! wahahaha(:
some of his songs are quite nice la..
cann see that he is really working hard for his album..
and his album is cool !!
his packaging and stuffs..
is really different from other artiste's album.. hehe..
i love all his photo..
but stepf says he only looks good when he smile.. >< !!
well.. i can't deny la..
when he smile.. it was really nice and sweet..
but when he don't smile..
he was like changed to another person..
like a cool.. dark person..
can't think of what he'll be doing next..
so.. ya..
and stepf came my house to use the computer..
as we search for jobs..
but i wasn't really searching.. stepf was doing the job..
i was listening to xiaogui new songs!!(:
about 3+pm she went back home already..
she only stayed for an hour plus ?? ( not too sure.. >< !!)
and that's all.. for what currently had happened
for today saturday..
will probably blog again next week.. ba..
[[.. byebye && takecares..]]
^^ =)

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