Wednesday, May 28, 2008

photos photos..!! ^^

HelloHello..!! hahaz..
well..nothing happen today..maybe for the time being(:
but i got whole lot of homeworks waiting for me to do..
so sadd..='(
currently starting on Principle Of Account (POA)..hahaz..
ohya..this will all be the photos which i taken from malacca..hahaz..^^

Sunrise in Singapore when i was at the expressway to Malaysia(:

The clouds&&trees near a coffeeshop..hahaz..

Flowers..chinese is known as "臭花"
Adults say that if people go pick or do whatever things to the flower..
there would be a smelly smell on your hands or body..eeyer..>< !!

Clouds&&trees is taken when i was on the bus..hahaz..

My special dog that live in's name is called 'White' sadd i cannot bring
him come Singapore..=(
LOL..just joking nia..This dog live in a temple in Malacca..hahaz..It is really big(x

hahaz..he is lying down..watching people..he is super guai..!!! LOL..

Sunset in taken when i was on the way back to Singapore
hahaz ^^

LOL.. xD

That's all..hahaz..


^^ =)

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